Pest-Proofing Your Garden: How to Keep Garden Pests from Invading Your Home


Farmers have long relied on insecticides to protect their crops from pests. Pest control services for gardens follow a similar strategy when dealing with insects. The objective of Anchor Pest Services is to eradicate the pests from the garden and stop them from coming back. 

Do I have to call a pest control company to rid my garden of typical garden pests? What other options do we have for keeping garden pests at bay? Let’s investigate more.

Why Do Pests Infest Gardens?

Gardens, lawns, trees, and shrubs are often infested with insects and pests because they prefer living in green spaces. But is this a preference? If so, then we need to find out why garden pests frequent that area:

  1. Easy Hideouts: Insects and other plant pests prefer refuge beneath such shrubs. From there, they wait for the perfect moment to attack, either dawn or dark. 
  2. Food: Insects that eat wood have many options for where to find food in gardens, thanks to the number of trees and plants. 
  3. Warmth: Pests that want year-round warmth sometimes burrow deep into garden soil or trees. 
  4. Moisture: One of the most important things insects need to develop and reproduce is water, abundant in areas with trees. 

Top Tips For Keeping Pests Away From Your Garden 

Space out your plants

Many issues arise if you force your plants to fit into your cramped kitchen garden. Your crops won’t receive enough air, and bugs will have a great hiding place if the plants are too close together. Infestations will spread rapidly because pests will find it simpler to reproduce.

It is best to give plants plenty of room to grow. This prevents insects from getting to the plants by letting air circulate freely around them.

Encourage predators into your garden

The damage that insects do to crops is not universal. Insects may be helpful to plants in certain cases. The reason is that carnivores will devour the pests that are wreaking havoc on your crops. Aphids are a recognized food source for ladybug nymphs. You can keep them coming back if you plant things that attract them. Feed and shelter these creatures; they will feel at home on your farm or garden. To entice birds to your yard, you may establish trees and plants that provide cover and clean water.

Water your garden in the morning

Plants must be watered the first morning to withstand the day’s heat. As a result, pests will find them less enticing. Also, your plant’s leaves will have plenty of time to dry off, which is particularly helpful for closely spaced crops.

Harvest at the right time

Make careful to begin harvesting as soon as the crops are mature. Fruits and vegetables that are too ripe attract pests and insects.

Maintain a clean garden

Cleaning up yard waste is another easy thing you can do to keep pest insects at bay. Insects and other pests find that plant detritus makes excellent hiding places. You may reduce the number of nuisance insects in your yard by keeping it clean. 


To create an impervious garden, you need preventative measures, constant monitoring, and some trial and error. If you include these practices into your gardening regimen, you can grow a healthy garden with little damage from pests. You shouldn’t be scared to change up your strategy for controlling pests as you go along since gardening is an ongoing learning process. Trying to get rid of these uninvited guests from your garden can be a daunting task. DIY techniques often look effective but cannot get the job done well. Turning to professionals who will use scientific strategies to get rid of pests while preserving the beauty of your garden is the best thing you can do!


